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Now On Exhibit
Portfolio 1
The Carver 4-County Museum is excited about installing two exhibits. First is our permanent installation: Origins and Evolution. If it sounds familiar, our inaugural exhibit in 2019 was "Origins." In it, we outlined how the Carver Regional High School came to be. Since that time, we have increased our research and focused on who the parents, grandparents and lay people were who advocated for the school. This has given us a deeper understanding of the role of those who cared MOST that their children would progress.
Second, Courts * Faces * Feelings: The Culture War of Brown v. Board of Education is examined in the context of Carver's existence.
View this one first for an overview of the exhibit
Opened May 17, 2022
(in the museum through December, 2022)
Courts, Faces, Feelings
The Culture War of Brown v. Board of Education
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